Saturday, January 17, 2015

Date: 12th Jan 2015

Chinese News
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"O" 水准成绩放榜

  • "O" 水准成绩放榜
      放榜 -- released
      成绩放榜 -- results released
      "O" 水准 -- "O" levels (exam during secondary 4)

  • 高达99.9%的是学生获颁证书
      高达 - as high as
      获颁 - has received
      证书 - certificate

  • 当中有百分之83.3考获至少五科及格
      当中 - within a group
      百分之83.3 -- 83.3 per cent
      考获 - exam results received
      至少 - at least
      五科 - 5 subjects
      及格 - pass

  • 考生当中有许多都是克服重重困难之后脱颖而出的优秀生
      考生 - examination candidates (students sitting for the exam)
      克服 - overcome
      重重困难 - many difficulties
      脱颖而出 - stand out
      优秀生 - outstanding student

  • 功课:说出对这些成绩好的学生的感想

    English News
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    New Year Ang Pao (Red Packet) -- (22:15)

  • Banks in Singapore are all set for the Lunar New Year, pulling out all stops for designs for Hong Bao

    • all set - ready
      pulling out all stops - doing everything possible
  • We will propose the design that we tailor-made for them.

    • propose - suggest
      tailor-made - customise

  • Each bank wants the best design because Hong Baos are used to retain their customers.

    • retain - keep

    1) How many types of Hong Baos are there, in terms of prices?
    2) Why do banks want good Hong Bao design?